Let fireworks light up the sky, not the roads, urges FTA

Wednesday 04 October 2017

Sparklers and Catherine wheels may provide “oohs” and “aahs” at Bonfire and other parties during the winter months, and can now be purchased in supermarkets and sweet shops, but when it comes to transporting fireworks, operators need treat them as a potentially dangerous cargo, says the Freight Transport Association (FTA).

James Firth, Head of Licensing Policy and Compliance Information, explains: “We are all aware of the dangers of goods such as petrol or flammable liquids, but the ubiquity of fireworks, and their presence in many domestic celebrations over the winter months, means that many transport operators may treat them as just another cargo. This could rocket both the driver and other road users into a risky situation, yet can be avoided by taking careful notice of the ADR regulations for the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road.

“At this time of year, many operators are asked to diversify the goods they carry – yet without knowing the proper methods to transport fireworks, which could actually spark a bigger problem for themselves and those around them.”

To help advise transport operators on the safe method of carriage for fireworks, FTA has produced a comprehensive briefing note which is available free to its members from the Association’s Member Advice Centre (MAC). Mr Firth continues:

“The MAC helps FTA members to make sure they operate according to the dangerous goods rules, as well as within the range of other safety regulations which apply to all operators of commercial vehicles.”

FTA’s Member Advice Centre answers over 20,000 calls from its members each year, helping them to make sense of the variety of rules and safety regulations under which the road freight sector operates, ranging from driving time limits and vehicle lighting requirements, to the movement of livestock and operating internationally. Many seemingly innocuous cargoes can be subject to ADR regulations, and the MAC can provide advice and guidance to operators to ensure they continue to operate according to the dangerous goods rules, as well as to the other safety regulations which apply to all operators of commercial vehicles.

Members of FTA can obtain a copy of the 2017 Fireworks Briefing Note free of charge: to do so, or to find out more about membership, please contact Member Services on 03717 11 22 22.
FTA Press Office
01892 552255